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Topics for APCOM’2002


Second Asia-Pacific Conference

Fundamental problems of opto – and microelectronics

Vladivostok, Russia

September 30 - October 4, 2002.

Fiber-optical communication systems and fiber-optical sensors.
Optical information processing and holography.
Lasers physics and nonlinear optics.
Low dimensional semiconductor structures for photonics.

Abstracts and repots submission deadlines.

The deadline for the abstract submission is 31 May, 2002, the deadline for the reports submission is 30 June, 2002

Registration fee.

Registration fee for Russian participation in conference is 200 Rub.

Mail addresses

Send abstracts and full texts of reports to conference coordinator Prof. Yuri Kulchin by E-mail: kulchin@festu.ru, or by regular mail: Far Eastern State Technical Univ., Puskinskaya 10, Vladivostok, RUSSIA, 690600.

Details are available via E-mail, or by Fax: +7(4232)266988, or by Phone +7(4232)265153



Conference Chairs.

Prof. Yuri N. Kulchin, Chair

Vice-President of Far Eastern State Technical Univ. (FESTU), Vladivostok, Russia

Prof. Miasnikov V.P., Co-Chair

Academician of Russian Academy of Science (RAS), President of Institute for Automation and Control Processes of Far Eastern Division of RAS (IACP FED RAS), Vladivostok, Russia

Prof. Turmov G.P., Co-Chair

President of FESTU, Vladivostok, Russia.

Conference coordinator

Prof. Oleg B. Vitrik,

FESTU, Vladivostok, Russia.

International program committee

  1. Miasnikov V.P., IACP FED RAS, Vladivostok, Russia, co- chairman;
  2. Turmov G.P., FESTU, Vladivostok, Russia, co- chairman;
  3. Kulchin Yu.N., FESTU, Vladivostok, Russia, co- chairman;
  4. Bachrakh L.D., NPO Vega, Moscow, Russia;
  5. Denisuk Yu.N., Phys.-Tech. Inst. RAS, St.-Peterburg, Russia;
  6. Dianov Е.M, Inst. for General Physics RAS, (IGPh RAS), Moscow, Russia;
  7. Ikushima A.J., Res. Center Toyota Techn. Int., Japan;
  8. Krokhin O.N., Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia;
  9. Mikaelyan A.L., Int. Neural-Optics Technology RAS, Moscow, Russia;
  10. Shorin V.P., Federal program "Integration", Moscow; Russia;
  11. Sato Heihachi., National Defense Academy, Yokosuka, Japan;
  12. Yamaguchi I., Int. Opt.Chem. R.,Saitama, Japan;
  13. Zhao Hong, Harbin Univ. of Science and Technology, Harbin, China.


International organizational committee

  1. Kulchin Yu.N., FESTU, Vladivostok, Russia - chairman;
  2. Vitrik O.B., FESTU, Vladivostok, Russia, –co-chairman;
  3. Galkin N.G., IACP FED RAS, Vladivostok, Russia;
  4. Кamshilin А.А., Joensuu Univ., Joensuu, Finland;
  5. Kopaev Yu.V. Physics Inst. RAS, Moscow, Russia;
  6. Kotova S.P., Physical Institute of RAS branch, Samara, Russia;
  7. Levin V.A., IACP FED RAS, Vladivostok, Russia;
  8. Li Chunfei., Harbin Univ. of Techn., Harbin, China;
  9. Malov A.N., Irkutsk State Univ., Irkutsk, Russia;
  10. Mаrinina Т.V., Federal program "Integration", Moscow, Russia;
  11. Nevolin V.N., Department of Supreme Attestation Commission, Moscow; Russia;
  12. Ramesh S.K., California State University, Sacramento, USA;
  13. Shandarov S.M., State Univ. of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, Tomsk, Russia;
  14. Stroganov V.I., Fare-East Univ. of Railway Communications, Khabarovsk, Russia;
  15. Tanaka K., Canon Inc., Tokyo, Japan;
  16. Tanaka S., National Def. Academy, Yokosuka, Japan;
  17. Vigovski Yu.N. MeDia Ltd., Moscow, Russia;
  18. Zavestovskaya I.N., Physics Institute of RAS, Moscow, Russia.

Conference program

Session 1. Fiber-optical communication systems and fiber-optical sensors.

Chair: Prof. E.M. Dianov , Academician RAS, Russia.

Session 2. Optical information processing and holography.

Chair: Prof. Yu.N.Denisuk, Academician RAS, Russia.

Session 3. Lasers physics and nonlinear optics.

Chair: Prof. Sato Heighachi, Japan.

Session 4. Low dimensional semiconductor structures for photonics.

Chair: Prof. V.G.Lifshitz, Co- Academician RAS Russia.

Vladivostok, RUSSIA

Vladivostok is situated along the coast of the beautiful small bay and on different islands. The beauty of nature and the convenient geographical position played the leading role when the question of the foundation of the city had been settled.

The sea washing our city makes it unforgettable. The city is blown through by the ocean winds from all sides.

Country region near Vladivostok is a unique natural complex. It is called the northern jungles. Here you come across exotic plants blooming with big bright flowers, powerful lianas, mushrooms of the most improbable shapes, the country's largest insects, bright-feathered birds. If one be lucky (and brave) he/she can meet the Asiatic black bear, the Amur leopard and even tigers there.

Beginning of October is the best time in Vladivostok: the picturesque colors of summer and its gifts have not disappeared yet but the golden autumn has already come. The guests visited our city in this season can't forget it.



The First Asia-Pacific Conference “Fundamental problems of opto - and microelectronics” took place in Vladivostok, Russia in 2000. It collected scientists from Asia-Pacific countries and even from Europe who presented number of papers devoted to fundamental aspects of opto- and microelectronics.

The Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Opto - and Microelectronics (APCOM’2002) will be held in Vladivostok from September 30 to October 4, 2002. It will continue the discussion which was opened in the first conference. The recent achievements in development of optical information processing, fiber optical communication and measuring systems, nonlinear optoelectronics systems, semiconductor structures for photonics will be presented.



The APCOM’2002 technical program will include plenary sessions, invited oral presentations and selected contributed oral presentations. A number of special topics will be discussed at symposia and workshops.

The official languages of the Conference id English. All abstracts, manuscripts and report’s illustrations, transparencies, slides must be prepared in English.


Proceedings will be published to the beginning of Conference. For timely publication the completed texts of abstracts (250 words) and reports (6 - 8 pages) must be prepared according to international style (same as SPIE style http://www.Spie.org/web/proceedings/ms_guidelines.html).

Please use Microsoft Word for preparing the manuscripts only. The deadline for the abstract submission is 30 May, 2002, the deadline for the reports submission is 30 June, 2002.

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г.Москва, Россия

на стекле и на плёнке.
Голографические портреты и наклейки.
Пломбы разрушаемые при вскрытии.
Голографические стикеры и фольга
горячего тиснения полиграфическая

Moscow, Russia

Holograms. Holograms on glass. Holographic film. Holographic portraits and labels. Holographic destructible seals. Holographic stickers, foil for hot stamping - polygraphic foil.